Balancing Poses

Pose No. 1

Pose No. 2

Pose No. 3

Photography: Jillian Clark

Workout by:
Charman Driver

Balance is one of the four types of fundamental exercises along with endurance, strength and flexibility, yet many people forget about its importance. According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch “Balance tends to erode with time, especially if you’re not active — neural connections, for example, may be lost if they’re not used. So whether you want to recover from an ankle sprain or maintain your long-term health, balance exercise should probably we on your “to do” list.”

Balance is essential for every day activities such as walking and going up and down stairs and believe it or not, it takes practice. Often times balance has to do with our mental state, rather than physical propensity. As a Pilates teacher and fitness trainer, it is a fundamental component of my instruction. Balance training is easy and fun to add to your daily routine.  Get started with these three poses:

Step One: Breathe. Stand tall and look straight ahead and find a steady object to gaze at. Pull your belly button in towards your spine and raise your arms horizontally out to your sides. Lift your right leg to a 90 degree angle and hold it up for 10-15 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe.

Step Two: Breathe. Keep the belly pulled in and raise your arms overhead while bringing your right leg back and hold it there for 10-15 seconds. For an added challenge move the arms and legs simultaneously (up and down; back and forth) ten times. Don’t forget to breathe.

Step Three: Breathe. Bring the arms overhead and the bottom of the foot to any area along the opposite leg (from the ankle to inner thigh). The higher the leg, the more challenging (like a yoga tree pose). Hold for 10-15 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe.

Repeat on the left side.

I ask clients to do daily balance exercises, while completing a simple task like brushing teeth. Incorporated in your life every day, you’ll begin to feel grounded, centered, focused and steady. Yes, you will fall often — and that’s part of the fun. Don’t judge yourself, stay in moment, breathe, and learn to love the day-to-day challenge as you gain strength and concentration. Let me know how it goes.