Nourish Bites

Photography: Jillian Clark


1 Cup Gluten Free Rolled Oats

½ Cup Unsweetened Natural Almond Butter 

1 Cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes, Plus Extra for Rolling

½ Cup Freeze-dried Blueberries

1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil

Zest of 1 Lemon

Juice of 1 Lemon

2 Tablespoons of Honey (Local is Best)


Pulse all ingredients in a food processor until combined.

Make 2-inch balls and roll them in coconut flakes.

Keep in fridge for a week or freeze for longer.

Makes 12–14 Bites
Serving Size: 2 Bites

Words by:
Charman Driver

Everybody has a particular time of day when their energy is at its peak—or it’s valley.

I happen to be a high-energy morning person who starts my day at 5:30am. I go full throttle until about 2:30pm, but at 3pm my energy takes a nose-dive. I become mentally and physically spent just in time to pick up my daughter from school to chauffer her to various after-school activities. 

Unfortunately, for my family when my energy is low, my fuse is short—oftentimes leading me to do and say things I regret.

What I’ve found over the years—and the research has proven—is that a healthy snack which contains high quality carbohydrates, protein and fat can help regulate low blood sugar and give you the energy needed to carry on. Healthy snacks curb hunger and keep you from overeating at regular mealtime. Plus, having a nutritious snack available stops you from grabbing for junk with simple sugars, like candy and chips.

Try these mouthwatering, nutritious and energy-boosting zesty lemon and blueberry bites.