Core Strength

Photography: Jillian Clark

Workout by:
Charman Driver

A strong core is the very foundation for almost everything you do.

· Everyday activities. Waking up stairs or picking up grocery bags, bending over to put on shoes, turning your head, bathing and dressing all call on your core.

· Sports and all athletic activities are driven by your core.

· Balance and stability. A strong core lessens your chances of falling by stabilizing your spine and body.

· Good posture. With a strong core, you breathe deeper and stand straighter. You have more confidence and look better.

Try spine curls for a strong core and healthy back:

1. Lie on your back in a relaxed position. Do not arch your back.

2. Your knees are bent, with feet on the floor and in line with your hips. 

3.  Arms are by your sides, palms down.

4. Keep your feet parallel and your toes in the same line.

5. Keep the pressure through your feet equal and don’t allow them to roll in or out

6. Notice any areas of tension and allow them to melt gently into the floor.

7. Release your thighs and soften your hips

8. Release your neck.

9. Breathe in fully to prepare.

10. Breathe out and pull you navel into your spine.

11. Curl the base of the spine (tailbone) off the floor.

12. Breathe in and breathe out, still pulling the navel into your spine, as you lower the spine back onto the floor.

13. Repeat, lifting a little more of the spine off the floor each time.

14.  As you lower, put down each part of the spine, bone by bone.

Complete 5-8 full curls.