Walking Meditation

Photography: Jillian Clark

Words by:
Charman Driver

Try walking meditation as your on-the-go form of mindfulness. While it’s nice to practice in open spaces, like a park or the woods, walking meditation can be done anywhere, at any time. The beauty of it is that you’ll use walking as your focus, which makes it easier than seated meditation for many people.  

Meditation while walking is a simple practice for beginners and is easily integrated in our schedule since walking is something we do every day. It can be done as a formal or informal practice.

Formal Walking Meditation:

1. Find a private place with no obstructions in the way or traffic

2. Breathe deeply and notice your body in standing posture.

3. Feel the stability of the ground beneath your feet.

4. Notice your thoughts and bring them back to the physical experience.

5. Start walking slowly, notice one foot lifting, moving and placing, and then the other foot.

6. Observe stops, turns and moves in different directions.

7. Do the walking meditation practice for 15-20 minutes.

Informal Mindful Walking:

1. Bring your attention wherever you are to the present moment.

2. Notice your body as it moves.

3. Observe physical sensations: sights, sounds and smells.

4. Take note of your feelings, thoughts and mood.

5. Walk naturally, with an open heart and gratitude.