Body Scan

Photography: Jillian Clark

Words by:
Charman Driver

Body scan as a form of mindfulness practice is one that is often taught to children as a way to guide them to stay focused on an object of attention. People with chronic pain utilize this form of meditation to help with the management of it.

Body scan is an excellent form of meditation to improve a healthy relationship with your body. If practiced often, it can help with stress and pain management because of your improved body awareness. It is a simple practice, one that I teach often to people of all ages and can be done seated or lying down. 

1. First, inhale in the nose and exhale out of the nose a few times to relax. 

2. Close your eyes and bring your attention to the entire body.

3. Notice your body seated or on the floor, and feel the weight of your body on the chair or on the floor.

4. Take a few deep breaths (inhale and exhale).

5. Notice your feet on the floor, the sensations and heaviness of them. Notice your toes, the arch of your feet and heels as you move up the legs.

6. Relax the muscles in your glutes.

7. Notice your back against the chair. Breathe into any tight spots and breathe out to relax them.

8. Bring your attention to your stomach area. Let it soften. Take a breath.

9. Notice your hands. Relax them.

10. Relax your arms and soften your shoulders.

11. Relax your neck and throat.

12. Soften your jaw. Let your facial muscles soften. Relax your eyes.

13. End at the crown of your head and take a breath.

14. Be aware of your entire body. 

15. Take a breath. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes.

16. Continue by starting from the crown of your head and scan the body back down to your feet.

17. Continue to breathe and notice how you feel.