
Photography: Jillian Clark

Location: THE STORE

Words & Recipe by:
Charman Driver

Hooray—it’s fig season (June – September)—and that’s reason to celebrate. Why? Because figs are one of the healthiest and most delicious foods on earth. 

For centuries, the fig has been held in high esteem as one of the oldest plants cultivated and consumed by humans. Some scholars believe the fruit picked by Eve was a fig (not an apple) and, evidently, the fig was Cleopatra’s favorite fruit. Who knows? What is undeniably true, is that figs are a powerhouse of health benefits. 

Top 10 Reasons to Eat Figs Now:

1. Heart: Figs contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and a whopping 473 mg of potassium. Numerous studies show people who eat potassium-rich fruits and vegetables have lower rates of heart disease and stroke.

2. Digestion: Figs are a fiber powerhouse providing 20% of the Daily Value. That’s more dietary fiber per serving than any other common dried or fresh fruit. Figs can help relieve constipation and improve overall digestive health as well. A handful of fresh figs will boost your fiber intake and is an effective natural laxative.

3. Body: If you want to build muscle, figs are one of the best ways to increase caloric intake while providing good nutrition to the body (6 figs are about 120 calories). Plus, high fiber diets have been shown to be associated with better blood sugar control and better weight control. Because figs are high in dietary fiber, you won’t get the blood-sugar rush like with other calorie dense carbs. You’ll feel fuller longer.

4. Breasts: Six figs contain almost 5 grams of fiber, making them a highly-ranked, high fiber food. Studies show that high amounts of dietary fiber, lowers the risk of breast cancer. Harvard’s School of Public Health recently reported that women with a high intake of fiber during adolescence and early adulthood lowered their risk of breast cancer 24% before the onset of menopause.

5. Eyes: Figs are rich in Vitamin A, an antioxidant that improves eye health.

6. Skin + Hair: Figs are great for skin health, whether you eat them or apply as a mask. A study conducted by University of Bahawalpur in Pakistan found fig extract to have undeniable benefits for the skin and improved hydration because of elevated amounts of vitamin C.

A formulation with figs can be used for hyperpigmentation, acne, freckles, and wrinkles (see mask recipe below). Figs are popular in hair care products too. The extracts provide moisture to the scalp and are super-conditioning. 

7. Bones: The calcium, potassium, and magnesium in figs strengthen bones. Five medium-sized fresh figs have 90 milligrams of calcium and half-a-cup of dried ones have 121 milligrams. That’s more than three times the amount in a glass of orange juice.

8. Energy: Figs contain vitamin B6, responsible for producing serotonin that boosts your mood. In addition, the iron in figs can help prevent lethargy that stems from iron-deficiency anemia.

9. Sleep: The fig fruit is rich in the amino-acid tryptophan, which creates melatonin in the body and supports restful slumber.

10. Sex: Figs have traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac. While there is no scientific back up, in many cultures, figs are symbols of fertility. The India Times reports, “to treat sexual weakness, soak a couple of dried figs in a cup of milk overnight and eat them in the morning”.

PS—Even though fig season is almost over, dried figs are available year-round or grow your own fig bush. They’re super-attractive and one the of the easiest fruits to grow organically.

Fig Goals!

Snack on a handful of fresh or dried figs.

Freeze fresh figs (whole or sliced) and use them in smoothies.

Add chopped figs to a leafy green salad, along with goat cheese crumbles.

Puree figs with balsamic vinegar and olive oil for an quick and easy salad dressing.

Add chopped, dried figs to sandwiches, cereal, oatmeal, and homemade power bars.

Use fig puree as a sweetener or fat substitute in recipes: Combine 8oz of figs with ¼ cup of water and blend together.

Make a mask: 1 large fig (or 2 small). Cut in half, scoop out flesh, and mash. Mix in a teaspoon of honey or plain yogurt. Apply to face for 5 minutes. Rinse. Now, bask in your glow!