
Photography: Jillian Clark

Location: THE STORE

Words by:
Charman Driver

Renewal is defined as the state of being made new, fresh or strong again—to restore, replenish, revive, re-establish, recover. I liken it to waking up from a good night’s sleep and the start of a brand-new day. Simply thinking about waking up tomorrow, fresh, for a new day makes me smile.

What do you say to yourself when you wake up in the morning? Maybe you don’t say anything, but what if you did? What would you say? What if you gave yourself a daily gift of clean, renewed thoughts? What if you spoke truth to yourself every. damn. day? How do you think you’d feel? 

Every day I look in the mirror and give myself a pep talk. Here’s one example: Charman, I love you girl. There is no one I love more than I love and respect you. I want to live another day with you! Now go out there and crush this day. Give as much love and respect as you can to the world, as I give to you.

Make no mistake, this is not an external validation of beauty or conceit. It is only because I turn my gaze inward that I am able to have this love affair with myself.

I read a great study in nature: International Journal of Science that suggests third party self-talk and reflections can quickly provide perspective and encourage solutions in one’s life because it puts a little psychological distance between yourself to make it sound as though you’re talking to someone else. “It puts space between you and your emotions.”

Every day take some time with your thoughts. Accept and acknowledge yourself and your thoughts. Daily meditation or a daily pep talk is a pathway to feeling refreshed and renewed. You wake up your soul, you heal, you learn, you self-reflect, you transform. Why? Because who knows if tomorrow will come. This moment, right now, is all we know for sure. Make today your best day!

Give Yourself a Daily Pep Talk:

1. Look in the mirror—or not (do what feels comfortable).

2. Talk to yourself in third person as if coming from a loving parent or best friend. Make it sound natural and realistic.

3. Breathe deeply before you begin self-talk.

4. Identify what needs to be changed by creating a vision and inspiring change.

5. Give yourself the best pep talk ever. No one knows you better than you.

6. You are an extraordinary human—own it.