Step Ups

Photography: Jillian Clark

Location: THE STORE

Words by:
Charman Driver

The step up is a super-convenient exercise move. It goes where you go, can be done just about anywhere, and is easily added to any fitness routine. 

Step ups are effective, too. While they primarily work the quads (muscles in the front of your legs), they also recruit your knees, hips, glutes, calves, hamstrings, abs, and lower back.

The other great thing is that you can vary the degree of difficulty, making it easier or harder with simple adjustments. Depending on your knee strength and knee health, choose a low step (easier) or high step (harder) to get the benefits you desire.

Step Ups

1. Engage your core by pulling your belly button in towards the spine.

2. Keep your back straight and chin lifted.

3. Be sure to plant your entire foot on the step.

4. Use your lead food to pull your body up.

5. Alternate your lead foot each time you step up.

6. Do as many reps as you can and stop once you feel fatigued or your form falters.