
Photography: Jillian Clark

Location: THE STORE

Words by:
Charman Driver

Affirmations are positive statements designed to be repeated aloud or in your mind—a reprogramming of your unconscious mind to tackle negative thinking. Over time, affirmations can help you make profound changes in your attitude about yourself.

Try a few of these trusty affirmations from the list below to read or say aloud with an open, relaxed attention. Breathe in deeply with each one, then repeat it to yourself, either out loud or in your mind.


I am healthier and happier with each day.
I am worthy and deserving of health and well-being.
My self-care is improving every day.
As my self-regard grows, my body relaxes and heals.

I am loved. I deserve love.
I am influenced only by positive thoughts and positive people.
I continue to discover new strengths inside myself.
I radiate confidence and joy.

I renew myself daily with the joy of life.
Setting goals and achieving them is becoming a way of life for me.
My greatest joy is living up to my own potential.
I choose to be happy, healthy, and successful.

I am calm, confident, and relaxed.
I am developing inner peace and balance in my life.
I have let go of any concerns and things I cannot change.
I am at peace in my mind, my body, and my emotions.

I am clear about what I want in life.
Each goal I achieve stimulates my optimism and confidence.
My life is becoming a series of positive achievements.
My self-discipline and inner focus are becoming stronger each day.

Write down one or two of your own affirmations that will support you in your life. Even if it feels awkward at first, continue to do them daily. 

By the way, there is science behind them. The Self-Affirmation Theory is a key psychological study that says we can maintain our sense of self-integrity by telling ourselves (or affirming) what we believe in positive ways.

Get into the habit of practicing positive affirmations every morning. If it feels right, look at yourself in the mirror as you say them. You are truly amazing!

PS-Just in case you’re wondering, here is my daily affirmation…

Looking directly into my eyes in the mirror:

I love you, girl, and I want to spend another day with you. Be grateful, resilient, self-forgiving, and self-accepting. Now go out there and crush this day!

…then I blow myself a kiss.